Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Squat 310 1x5 (barely, a dude at the gym jumped in and spotted me) 225 1x8
bench press 190 4,4,4
row 180 3x5
dips 17,12,10

Going to have to figure out what to do with the squat, it's hard to believe I was able to get 295 3x5 last week and I can't do 310 1x5 this week. Might need to deload and work back up. I felt like my abs and lower back took a beating on mondays' workout with the squat and deadlift and that gave out on the squat before my legs did.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Pretty good day today, everything is still slow moving but feels strong.

Squat: 260 1x5 265 1x5 270 1x5
OHP: 110 1x5 115 2x5 120 1x4
Deadlift: 320 1x5
Decline Press: 95 20x25x20

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I think I've been feeling some of that bug thats been going around because I've felt exhausted, so today at the gym had its ups and downs.  Squats are still feeling pretty good, inching my way along.  Bench also felt alittle better then the last couple of outings, but I noticed that the row was alittle tough and I wasn't able to do what I had been.  May be do to the bench and row being heavy and one of them may suffer and the other one excel on the same day.  remember boys: squats make you a real man.

Squats: 260 1x5 265 2x5 270 1x5
Row: 175 2x5 185 2x5
Bench: 200 3x5 205 1x5
Decline Flys: 25ers 15x20x10


Monday, October 10, 2011


Had not been to the gym in a week, due to a busy schedule last 5 days, but today went pretty well.  I went alittle lower because I didn't want to push my limits to far.  everything felt relatively strong and I am looking forward to getting 3 days in again this week

Squats: 255 2x5 260 1x5
OHP: 110 2x5 115 2x4
Deadlifts: 315 1x5
Decline Press: 85 25x30x25x10


Thursday, October 6, 2011


Today was an okay day at the gym.  I went in the morning before work and there is no doubt that I don't get the same workout in.  My body just hasn't woken up or had enough time to process whatever I've eaten and it kills the workout.  I was still able to move up a little bit in Squats and Row but my bench has sort of hit a struggle point, which is sad because a month ago I was 5x5ing 200.  Keep it up guys and we will be the biggest beasts ever.

Squat: 2x5260 2x5265
Row: 185 4x5
Bench: 195 2x5 200 2x5
Decline flys: 25lbers 15x20


Monday, October 3, 2011


Decent day at the gym again today.  Deadlift day so I kept my squats down to 3 sets but that went pretty well.  Again the OHP at 110 wasn't to bad, just trying to get better form down.  Deadlift was difficult but doable.  Keep it up boys!!

-Squat: 260 3x5
-OHP: 110 4x5
-Deadlift: 330 1x5
-Decline Bench: 85 20x30x25


Thursday, September 29, 2011


Decent day at the gym, I'm still slowly making gains with all the leg lifts, the rows went good but I had taken a week and half off since my last bench so I had to drop down to 195 but that wasn't to great of a struggle.  Keep it up!!!

Squat: 260 4x5
Row: 185 4x5
Bench: 195 4x5