Thursday, October 6, 2011


Today was an okay day at the gym.  I went in the morning before work and there is no doubt that I don't get the same workout in.  My body just hasn't woken up or had enough time to process whatever I've eaten and it kills the workout.  I was still able to move up a little bit in Squats and Row but my bench has sort of hit a struggle point, which is sad because a month ago I was 5x5ing 200.  Keep it up guys and we will be the biggest beasts ever.

Squat: 2x5260 2x5265
Row: 185 4x5
Bench: 195 2x5 200 2x5
Decline flys: 25lbers 15x20


1 comment:

  1. Today was my first day at the gym in a while cuz I've been sick but it was good to be back. I think its kinda amazing how much we're all lifting in such a short time. Today I repped 200 on the bench. 3 yrs ago when I was going to the gym 5 days a week and benching 3 of those days I couldn't even come close to benching 200 that many times. Keep it up dudes! Squat 240 5x5 bench 200 4x5 1x4 row 150 5x5
