Thursday, October 13, 2011


I think I've been feeling some of that bug thats been going around because I've felt exhausted, so today at the gym had its ups and downs.  Squats are still feeling pretty good, inching my way along.  Bench also felt alittle better then the last couple of outings, but I noticed that the row was alittle tough and I wasn't able to do what I had been.  May be do to the bench and row being heavy and one of them may suffer and the other one excel on the same day.  remember boys: squats make you a real man.

Squats: 260 1x5 265 2x5 270 1x5
Row: 175 2x5 185 2x5
Bench: 200 3x5 205 1x5
Decline Flys: 25ers 15x20x10



  1. My diet has been shitty lately, and I ain't been sleeping enough. I started reading a book on weight training called Brawn by Stuart McRobert so far its pretty good. Mike I think with that row its more important to get the assistance work and not go so heavy that you can't keep the form. I was able to squat 295 3x5 on monday but even though I took two days off there was no way 300 was happening. Too bad, I did one set and it was really heavy and I knew I wasn't going to depth. McRobert says that its pretty easy to fool yourself into throwing weight on week after week and you just cheat the form on the lift more and more instead of getting much stronger. That's how a buddy of mine ends up doing 12 weighted dips he does one or two good ones and then just does partials. B/C its hard and it can suck, you just got to stay aware enough, or have someone spotting you who is paying attention to call you on it.

    The guy who runs opened up membership for 1000 ppl for ten bucks a month so I joined up, should get some good advice and info from there bc its thousands of other people who are training like us. We all should be fucking proud of the gains we've made in a short amount of time.

    If you look at the journals of lots of other guys on the lifting routine it took many of them a year to get to a 1.5 bodyweight squat and a bodyweight bench. Besides that, I know that I am getting to the point where I can't keep seeing constant gains on the lifts.

    It's going to be hard to get used to not lifting more every week; but I got to be honest with myself and realize I'm not much stronger than I was a month ago, but that is still a month of lifting pretty heavy; I remember at one point thinking a 225 dead lift was a lot, now its a warm up weight.

    squat 300 1x5, 275 3x5
    bench 185 3x5,3,3
    row 175 5x5
    dips 18,10,6,6


  2. I completely agree with all of that. I've reached a point where I can no longer keep adding 5 lbs every week. Instead I'm going to take my time with each new weight and make sure that my form is correct and that I can complete 5 sets of 5 before I move on.

    Squat 245 5x5
    Row 155 5x5
    Bench 200 5x5
