Monday, October 10, 2011


Had not been to the gym in a week, due to a busy schedule last 5 days, but today went pretty well.  I went alittle lower because I didn't want to push my limits to far.  everything felt relatively strong and I am looking forward to getting 3 days in again this week

Squats: 255 2x5 260 1x5
OHP: 110 2x5 115 2x4
Deadlifts: 315 1x5
Decline Press: 85 25x30x25x10



  1. Squat 295 3x5
    ovhd press 125 5,4,4
    clean 155 5x3
    pullups 10,8,6,3
    planks 3 rnds

  2. Hey dudes, picked up some good squat tips from a personal trainer at the gym today, if we can work out together sometime we could all work on technique. Squat 245 5x5 overhead press 130 5x5 deadlift 185 1x5
