Monday, October 3, 2011


Decent day at the gym again today.  Deadlift day so I kept my squats down to 3 sets but that went pretty well.  Again the OHP at 110 wasn't to bad, just trying to get better form down.  Deadlift was difficult but doable.  Keep it up boys!!

-Squat: 260 3x5
-OHP: 110 4x5
-Deadlift: 330 1x5
-Decline Bench: 85 20x30x25


1 comment:

  1. hey boys,
    havent posted in a while, been kinda busy with random shit, have only been able to go to the gym twice a week for the past few weeks. this week i should get 3 days. yesterday was decent, i was able to do 5x5 bench without much problem. i deloaded on squats to try to get lower. it seems to be working, im mad sore.

    squats: 195 5x5
    bench: 205 5x5
    rows: 135 5x5

    stay huge brah brahs!
