Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Pretty good day at the gym, squats are hard but definetly doable.  Deadlift also went well, still feeling pretty strong going up by 10 lbs so hopefully that continues.  OHP was very tough and I wasn't able to complete my original 3x5 weight, so I will have to modify and practice my technique in order to improve in that.

Squat 210 5x5
OHP 115 1x5 110 2x5
Deadlift 255 1x5
Pullups 5x4x4


Squat 265 3x5
OHP 130 3x4x4
Deadlift 350 1x5
Pullups 10x7x5



  1. nice job boys. ben- 350 deadlift- ur a beast.

    i did:
    squats 200 5x5
    OHP 100 5x5
    rows 105 5x5

    jersey shore tomorrow- yeah buddy!

  2. Wicked nice bro, great squat and OHP. You've made very impressive gains this month, yeah buddy!
