Monday, August 15, 2011

Stonglifts 5x5

Great workout at the gym today.  I'm beginning to near 200 lbs on all the workouts besides the overhead press.  On wednesday I will be trying 115lbs 3x5 on the OHP and we will see how it goes.  I failed with the 5x5 and have seen my progress slow to a crawl, so instead of just deloading every week, switching to 3x5 seemed like the most logical answer.

Squat 205 5x5
Pendlay Row 165 3x5
Bench Press 180 5x5
Dips w/25 7,6,6
15 mins, tire flip and drags
Squat 260 3x5
Pendlay Row 145 5x5
Bench Press 175 3x5
Dips w/ 45 7,7,7
15 mins. tire flip and drags
- BenP

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