Monday, August 22, 2011


Squat: 220 3x5
Over head press: 115 3x5
Deadlifts: 265 1x5
Pullups: 6x4x3

Okay day at the gym.  To start the squats felt extremely heavy.  I was hoping to be able to get through 230lbs 5x5 before I went down to 3x5 but today it wasn't going to happen.  I'm not sure if it was the couple hours of basketball yesterday or that the weight is just getting heavy, but it was tough.  So, hopefully I can get 5x5 on Wednesday.  I finally broke through my road block on the overhead press and was able to get 115 3x5 without much difficulty so that makes me ecstatic.  Then Deadlifts were heavy but still doable, I'm hoping I can break 300 without having to deload any weight.  Besides that pretty good day.

- I live, I love, I slay and am content!!!



  1. Squat- 375 3x5
    ovdpress- 130 4x4x4
    deadlift- 355 1x5
    pullups- 11x7x2x4
    jumprope (about 15 minutes)

  2. Haaaay guys,
    Squats felt real heavy today for me too. Rows were fucking brutal. I moved up to just to get the bigger 35lb plates. Prolly not a great idea, oh well. Overhead went fairly well. Still recoving from olive garden.

    Squats: 210 5x5
    OHP: 105 5x5
    Rows: 115 5x5

    Stay brutal, bros
