Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Much better day at the gym today!!! I think the devastation to my quads was largely due all the basketball I played the day before.  Today I was able to continue make gains on my squats.  Back rows are getting pretty tough and I may have to deload that in the next week or 2 but we will see what monday brings.  Bench also felt a little heavy but I'm only taking around 1 minute breaks between sets so I think if I took alittle longer then it wouldn't be to hard.  I couldn't find the belt to add weight to my dips so I just did them regularly, but I could feel the strain that the bench had on them.  I've also been wanting to tighten up my chest alittle bit, so yesterday I spent some time researching Arnolds encyclopedia or body building and decided that decline bench and flys with light weight will help that without taking away much from my bench so today I did some of those.  All in all a good day!

Squat: 225 4x5
Row: 175 3x5
Bench Press: 190 5x5x6
Dips: 10x9x7
Decline Bench: 65 20x20x30

-Bear Babineau


  1. Nice work Mikey-brah,

    I realized that on mon I squatted 220lb thinking it was 210lb, so I went up to 225lb. It was tough, I think I need to go down lower when I do them. Solid bench day, still working on deadlift form.

    Squat: 225 5x5
    Bench: 185 5x5
    Deadlift: 135 1x5


  2. Awesome bro, really awesome!!! rest those legs, next week we should schedule a workout together and we can give each other some tips, I could probably use it on the bench alittle bit.

  3. you dudes are all getting heavy on the squats! and the bench is getting up there too! I gotta do my workouts on random days cuz of my schedule, but i'll be hitting up the gym later today and we'll see how it goes, and i'm down to workout one day with you guys next week if i can.

  4. Yo Smitty definetly man we should coordinate a day and I don't mind pitching in some money for you two bros to get a one day pass so we can swell together and just go over any tips or questions anyone may have

  5. sounds good mikey, I felt wicked good at the gym today, prolly cuz I had three days off between workouts.

    squat 205 5x5
    bench 170 5x5
    row 115 5x5

  6. 8/24/2011

    Squat 280 3x5
    bench 180 3x5
    row 155 5x5
    dips w/ 45 8x6x4
    hang cleans 115 5x3
    jump rope (10 min)
