Friday, August 26, 2011


 Fuck me friday night deadlifts are tough.

Squat 285 3x5
ovhd press 130 4x4x3
deadlift 360 1x4+1
pullups 10x6x3

This is the third time I stalled at 130 on the ovhd press; so I'm going to deload it to 115 and work back up.  There is some voodoo about 135 lbs; the fifth rep just was never going to happen without push-pressing; which I take as hip or leg drive.  If you guys are wondering about deadlift technique; check out the starting strength or strong lifts website.

- Ben


  1. Still really impressive Benny!!! Today my workout went pretty well, I wasn't able to completely achieve the 120 OHP 3x5 so I'll try it again next week and hopefully come out on top. Besides that squatting felt pretty decent and deadlift is still going without any troubles.

    Beast of the week: Jsulli for his impressive leaps on the squat, great job!!

    quote of the week: "If we can not find a way, we will make one!!" -Hannibal

    Squat: 230 4x5
    OHP: 120 4x3x4
    Deadlift: 275 1x5
    Pullups: 5x4x5
    Decline Flys: 20lbs (each side) 10x9x11

    -Bear Babs

  2. 8/29/11

    You gonna get the chance to work out this week mikey with those 15 hr days

    squat 210 5x5
    ohp 110 5x5
    deadlift 185 2x5

  3. yo bros,

    squats: 225 5x5
    bench: 190 5x5
    deadlift: 135: 1x5

    squats and bench went really well today. prolly because i didnt make it to the gym last fri so i got a lot of rest. def need to work on my dl tech more.

    stay strong my dudes

  4. squat 215 5x5
    bench 175 5x5
    row 120 5x5

    jsull we all need to get together and work on deadlifts
