Friday, September 2, 2011


WOW!  So, first of all I want to shout out to Jsulli because he went extreme beast mode today.  Very strong and impressive boy.  Now onto my workout, ugh!  So, today was the first day in a week that I hit the gym because I was working a bunch on the hazard crew (as was Benny-beast).  So, I really felt a hit in my legs.  I went to 225lbs and wasn't able to finish 4 sets, very disappointing.  My bench and row were fine though so that wasn't a total lost.  Truthfully it propably wasn't bad to have a few days off to rest my legs, as they were getting pretty beat up, but now I know taking even just a week off will hurt the progress.  Well boys keep pumping!!

Beast of the week:  Smitt!!! already up to 220lbs squating, awesome Smitt keep it up baby!!!

Quote of the week: "Strong people are harder to kill then weak people and more useful in general."
                                                                                                              -Mark Rippetoe

Squat: 225 5x5x5x3
Bench Press: 195 5x5x5x5x4
Pendlay Row: 165 4x5
Dips: 11 regular and 5 with 25lb
Decline Bench: 75lbs 20x25

-Bear Babineau


  1. Yo dudes so overhead press is starting to feel heavy and I can definitely really feel it after doin squats and deAdlift In the same workout. I did 215 again today on squats gonna go for 220 next time. My deadlift form is gettin much better I think. Mikey ur bench is gettin up there man! Squat 215 5x5 Ohp 115 5x5 deadlift 195 1x5

  2. All wisdom flows from Marc Rippetoe. I don't thinking driving for 16 hrs a day is good for your muscles. I dropped the weight trying to avoid getting sore; and then just played like 3 hours of basketball, horribly; after not playing for 3 months, so that was dumb.

    Squat 255 3x5
    bpress 160 5x5
    row 155 5x5
    power cleans 135 6x3
    dips w/ 45 7x6x4
    30's 12x10
