Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Squat 290 3x5
front squat 135 1x12
ovhd press 125 4x5+3
deadlift 335 1x5
pullups 10,8,5

important tip of the week: "never back down".  I backed down from trying to pull 365 for the third time on deadlifts; and am less of a man for it.

beast of the week:  Mikey B will deadlift 315 by Monday next week.  Holy shit Mike you went from never having deadlifted before in your life to 3 big boy plates in less than four months.  Congratulations and welcome to the glamorous realm of making sure you take a shit before you go to the gym on deadlift day.

Watch this video on deadlift technique; Rippetoe on deadlift setup


  1. Everything still feels really good. Squats feel really strong only thing is that when I get to my deadlifts at the end of the workout my legs feel toasted and they go all shaky. I went for a little run this week too for the first time in a long time and I could feel it in my legs for a few days. Squats 230 5x5 dl 185 1x5 ohp 125 5x5 bench 185 5x5 rows 135 5x5

  2. Everything still feels really good. Squats feel really strong only thing is that when I get to my deadlifts at the end of the workout my legs feel toasted and they go all shaky. I went for a little run this week too for the first time in a long time and I could feel it in my legs for a few days. Squats 230 5x5 dl 185 1x5 ohp 125 5x5 bench 185 5x5 rows 135 5x5

  3. Awesome Smittens!!! Looking excellent, yeah man I definitely feel you on the squat and deadlift day. I haven't been running in 2.5 months and if I did I'm sure I would be sidelined for a week. I realized that squats and deadlifts will get to heavy to do 5 sets. Numbers are looking really good though man, keep it up!!!
