Monday, September 19, 2011

9/19/2011 took a 32 oz, espresso loaded, mcd's iced coffee to motivate me to get to the gym today.  Definetly feeling tired, but made it.  Pretty good day.  I decided that on deadlift day I would only go 4 sets on the squat to try and save some of my legs, but squats still felt good.  I'm having trouble keeping form when I get to my OHP set so I did 3 sets of 120 and noticed I was using alittle to much of my back on the last reps, so i did a few sets at 100 to try and correct it, I'll probably do the same thing on Friday because I don't want to get to far ahead of the technique.  Deadlifts were grueling and I don't think I can continue advancing by 10 lbs, so Friday I'll give 330 a try.  Keep killin' it boyzz.

Squat: 250 2x5 255 2x5
OHP: 120  3x5 100 2x7
Deadlift: 325 1x5
Pullups: 1x6 1x5
Decline Flys: 25lbers 13x14x16



  1. felt good at the gym today, still feel like i'm progressing everytime I go, squats were tough today though. I feel ya on the coffee today mikey, i'm addicted to the stuff.

    squats 235 5x5
    bench 190 5x5
    row 140 5x5

  2. Deadlift feels like I'm doing it for the first time again; pretty weird. I noticed the bar rolling in my hands a lot w/o a reverse grip. It's almost like failing at 365 beat me up for more than a week. Got some advice from one of the strongest actual lifters at the gym he's like 5'6" and he pulls over 450 and he told me I had pretty good squats, so that felt good. Finally made 130 on the ovhd press but it still felt heavy, hard to believe I did almost 5 sets at 125 last week, must have been feeling good.

    Squats 295 3x5
    press 130 3x5
    deadlift 340 1x5
    pullups 12,7,4,3
    jumprope about 10 minutes
