Monday, September 5, 2011


Much better day at the gym today then on Friday!  My legs were feeling stronger under my squats and I was able to continue with the deadlifts without any hinderance.  Over head press felt like it benefited from the long rest, which makes sense that my upper body recovered even though my legs were suffering.  Pullups still are my least favorite thing to do at the end of the workout, I can never seem to get passed 5 straight and am fully exhausted, but thats the reason I do them I guess.  All in all a good day.

Squat 225 4x5
Overhead press 115 3x5
Deadlift 285 1x5
Pullups 5x4x3
Decline flys(with 25lbers) 11x11x11

-Bear Babineau


  1. Fuck me Monday morning deadlifts are tough. So this is the first time I've ever missed a set of deadlifts. I got three ok, but the fourth wasn't happening, even after taking a minute and with Mike yelling at me. I read the first half of "Education of a Bodybuilder", and part of the exercise routine chapters. I'm going to start taking Arnold's advice and doing more warmup with pushups, single leg squats and sit-ups.

    Squat 265 3x5
    ovhd press 115 2x5, 1x9
    deadlift 365 1x3 315 1x3
    pullups 11x7x5x4

  2. I got 10 hours of sleep last night and I think that it really helped my strength at the gym today, all my muscles felt fresh and ready to go.

    squat 220 5x5
    bench 180 5x5
    row 125 5x5
    pullups 1x10 1x6

  3. Hey if you guys are experiencing soreness before or after you lift check this out"

    I got into using a foam roller last year and I think it really makes a difference. Yes, it looks like you're humping the floor at the gym; but I just realized I don't give a fuck.
