Sunday, September 25, 2011


missed a couple workouts.  Squat did not feel solid warming up so stopped at 275.  Could maybe have finished 5x5 on the bench but didn't have a spot.  I'll see if next week goes better. 

squat 275 3x5
bench 180 3x5,1x4,1x3
row 175 5x5
dips w/45 6,5,4
plank 1 min, 1.5 min.

1 comment:

  1. Had a solid day at the gym yesterday, felt nice and sore this morning when I woke up though. Gonna be goin for 200 on the bench next week, pretty pumped about that. Think I'm gonna stick with 240 Squats again next week, they felt pretty damn heavy. Squats 240 5x5 bench 195 5x5 row 145 5x5
