Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Pretty good day today at the gym.  I can tell that all the extra sleep I've gotten the past few days from being off has helped to recover pretty fast.  We will see how Friday goes, hopefully I'll be able to finish this week out very strong.  I was having some soreness and aching in my elbow, so after talking to Ben we figured it would be best to take the rest of the week off from dips.  Hopefully it will help heal it.

Squat: 230 5x5
Row: 170 5x5
Bench Press: 200 5x5
Decline Press: 75lbs 25x30x20

-Bear Babs


  1. Rippetoe on the press:

    "we're going to can leg press, but that's gay, so we're just going to call it a press"

    Squat 275 3x5
    bench 165 5x5/ 135 1x12
    row 160 5x5
    pwrcln 140 5x3, 1x5
    dips w/45 7,6,6,4

    my lower back is still sore from my fucked up deadlift set at 365 on monday. and squat still feels really heavy to me, prob bc I tried to take a nice short trail run at cascades park up near Paxton which turned into an hour and a half quest to find the path back down to the falls. There were no healing fairies... only ppl walking pitbulls.

  2. Mike brah, youre a beast. Nice benching.

    Yesterday I mixed it up a little because i figure I'll go tues/ fri this week because i couldnt lift yesterday. squats felt good, bench was tough. DLs were also brewtal, didnt warm up enough. I was gonna throw rows in too, but i was dead.

    squats: 225 5x5
    bench: 200 5x5
    OHP: 105 5x5
    DL: 185 1x2

    Stay beastly, brosephs

  3. Mikey that's an awsome workout man. Still feeling wicked good on the squats and for some reason the ohp felt a lot lighter today. I think I'm starting to get my dl technique down too. Squats 225 5x5. Ohp 120 5x5. Dl 200 1x5. Pullups 1x10. Situps 1x50
