Friday, September 16, 2011


Decent day at the gym, been able to get through my squats pretty quickly without loosing much form so thats good.  Rows are still going strong and I did 4 sets on the bench which was tough.  Besides that still beasting onnn!!  Conan it boys!

Squat: 250 5x5
Row: 180 5x5
Bench: 205 4x5
Decline Bench: 25x30x25



  1. Mike BearBabs, as always, youre a feckin beast. Killing it on the squats.

    Today I was a lazy one. Took a nap after work and slept too long and by the time I got to the gym, I only had 45 mins. To save time and still get a bunch of different workouts in I did 3x5 for most of them. Squats felt pretty heavy. Bench was OK, but I prolly wouldnt have been able to 5x5 if I did have the time. The others were decent.

    Squats: 245 3x5
    Bench: 205 3x5
    OHP: 105 3x5
    Rows: 135 3x5

    Never back down, always Tokyo drift

  2. Nothing wrong with backing down the volume to 3x5. Mikey is starting to scare me. I had less than an hour to workout this saturday after I got off work. Was too tired to on friday afternoon.

    Squat- 295 3x5 -1 first stall on squats; maybe could have finished it but it was really heavy.

    Bench 175 5x5

    dips unweighted - 20

    I'm realizing that I need to take a lot of rest between sets.
