Thursday, September 29, 2011


Decent day at the gym, I'm still slowly making gains with all the leg lifts, the rows went good but I had taken a week and half off since my last bench so I had to drop down to 195 but that wasn't to great of a struggle.  Keep it up!!!

Squat: 260 4x5
Row: 185 4x5
Bench: 195 4x5

Sunday, September 25, 2011


missed a couple workouts.  Squat did not feel solid warming up so stopped at 275.  Could maybe have finished 5x5 on the bench but didn't have a spot.  I'll see if next week goes better. 

squat 275 3x5
bench 180 3x5,1x4,1x3
row 175 5x5
dips w/45 6,5,4
plank 1 min, 1.5 min.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

going strong

Hey guys take a couple minutes to check out this site: old school trainer  pretty much sums a ton of shit I've read and been taught up into a page or two.  I take it as validation that ya'll is squatting more than 2/3's of the people at whatever gym you go to after only a couple months of stronglifts and Mikey Babs is lifting like 50% to 75% more than our other buddy who didn't stick with the program because he thought it would be better to do tons of shitty dips.   I took the last couple days off, time to get my slowly widening ass back to the squat rack and keep working to three plates.

- Ben

Monday, September 19, 2011

9/19/2011 took a 32 oz, espresso loaded, mcd's iced coffee to motivate me to get to the gym today.  Definetly feeling tired, but made it.  Pretty good day.  I decided that on deadlift day I would only go 4 sets on the squat to try and save some of my legs, but squats still felt good.  I'm having trouble keeping form when I get to my OHP set so I did 3 sets of 120 and noticed I was using alittle to much of my back on the last reps, so i did a few sets at 100 to try and correct it, I'll probably do the same thing on Friday because I don't want to get to far ahead of the technique.  Deadlifts were grueling and I don't think I can continue advancing by 10 lbs, so Friday I'll give 330 a try.  Keep killin' it boyzz.

Squat: 250 2x5 255 2x5
OHP: 120  3x5 100 2x7
Deadlift: 325 1x5
Pullups: 1x6 1x5
Decline Flys: 25lbers 13x14x16


Friday, September 16, 2011


Decent day at the gym, been able to get through my squats pretty quickly without loosing much form so thats good.  Rows are still going strong and I did 4 sets on the bench which was tough.  Besides that still beasting onnn!!  Conan it boys!

Squat: 250 5x5
Row: 180 5x5
Bench: 205 4x5
Decline Bench: 25x30x25


Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Squat 290 3x5
front squat 135 1x12
ovhd press 125 4x5+3
deadlift 335 1x5
pullups 10,8,5

important tip of the week: "never back down".  I backed down from trying to pull 365 for the third time on deadlifts; and am less of a man for it.

beast of the week:  Mikey B will deadlift 315 by Monday next week.  Holy shit Mike you went from never having deadlifted before in your life to 3 big boy plates in less than four months.  Congratulations and welcome to the glamorous realm of making sure you take a shit before you go to the gym on deadlift day.

Watch this video on deadlift technique; Rippetoe on deadlift setup


Good day at the gym today, squats are still feeling pretty good, had a little break through with the overheadpress, and finally was able to get the technique down and get 4 sets in.  Deadlift is starting to get verryyyyy heavy and I'm hoping to get 325 before I have to deload.  Besides that just trying to recover for friday.  Keep it up boys!!

Squats: 245 5x5
OHP: 120 4x5
Deadlift: 305 1x5
Decline flys: 25lbers 13x17x16
Pullups: 1x6 1x4

-Bear B

Monday, September 12, 2011


Surprisingly great day at the gym today.  I went in feeling alittle tired and sluggish, plus with plans in the evening I was short on time and had to rush alittle more then usual.  My squats felt really strong, and my backrows were a breeze.  I wasn't lifting with anyone so I stayed at 200 on the bench because of the lack of spotter, but that didn't feel to bad either.  Good start to the week, hoping that it keeps going smoothly.  I've really made a vow to eat more regardless of what it is, as long as I can take in alot of calories and I think that has really helped.  Keep lifting boys!!!

-Squats: 240 4x5
-Back Row: 175 5x5
-Bench Press: 200 4x5
-Decline Bench: 75 30x30x20

-Bear B

Friday, September 9, 2011


Decent workout today, squat and deadlift are still feeling okay, hopefully those wont have to deload again for a bit.  OHP is still difficult and I wasn't able to finish out all my sets with 120 today so I will try again next time.  Keep it up boys!!

Squat: 235 5x5
OHP: 120 5x5x3  115 1x6
Deadlift: 295 1x5
Decline flys: 25lbs 15x12x13
Pullups: 1x7

-Bear babs

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Pretty good day today at the gym.  I can tell that all the extra sleep I've gotten the past few days from being off has helped to recover pretty fast.  We will see how Friday goes, hopefully I'll be able to finish this week out very strong.  I was having some soreness and aching in my elbow, so after talking to Ben we figured it would be best to take the rest of the week off from dips.  Hopefully it will help heal it.

Squat: 230 5x5
Row: 170 5x5
Bench Press: 200 5x5
Decline Press: 75lbs 25x30x20

-Bear Babs

Monday, September 5, 2011


Much better day at the gym today then on Friday!  My legs were feeling stronger under my squats and I was able to continue with the deadlifts without any hinderance.  Over head press felt like it benefited from the long rest, which makes sense that my upper body recovered even though my legs were suffering.  Pullups still are my least favorite thing to do at the end of the workout, I can never seem to get passed 5 straight and am fully exhausted, but thats the reason I do them I guess.  All in all a good day.

Squat 225 4x5
Overhead press 115 3x5
Deadlift 285 1x5
Pullups 5x4x3
Decline flys(with 25lbers) 11x11x11

-Bear Babineau

Friday, September 2, 2011


WOW!  So, first of all I want to shout out to Jsulli because he went extreme beast mode today.  Very strong and impressive boy.  Now onto my workout, ugh!  So, today was the first day in a week that I hit the gym because I was working a bunch on the hazard crew (as was Benny-beast).  So, I really felt a hit in my legs.  I went to 225lbs and wasn't able to finish 4 sets, very disappointing.  My bench and row were fine though so that wasn't a total lost.  Truthfully it propably wasn't bad to have a few days off to rest my legs, as they were getting pretty beat up, but now I know taking even just a week off will hurt the progress.  Well boys keep pumping!!

Beast of the week:  Smitt!!! already up to 220lbs squating, awesome Smitt keep it up baby!!!

Quote of the week: "Strong people are harder to kill then weak people and more useful in general."
                                                                                                              -Mark Rippetoe

Squat: 225 5x5x5x3
Bench Press: 195 5x5x5x5x4
Pendlay Row: 165 4x5
Dips: 11 regular and 5 with 25lb
Decline Bench: 75lbs 20x25

-Bear Babineau